CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation)

Lions around the world are united by a great spirit of giving and dedication to helping others. As the official charitable organization of Lions Clubs International, a leading humanitarian organization, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) supports Lions’ compassionate works by providing grant funding for their local and global humanitarian efforts.

LCIF Awards Disaster Grants, January 2018

We help Lions serve

LCIF helps Lions improve peoples’ lives around the world, from combating vision problems to responding to major catastrophes to providing valuable life skills to youth. Because LCIF helps Lions carry out large-scale projects through our grant programs, Lions increase their impact in their local and global communities and serve even more people in need around the world.

Our funds come from individuals

Donations from 1.4+ million Lions in 210 countries and geographic areas provide the vast majority of the revenue received by LCIF, making the Foundation a leading humanitarian organization. Lions know their donations matter and that funds entrusted to LCIF will support initiatives that impact communities and change lives.

We form lasting and successful partnerships

LCIF leverages the donations we receive through effective partnerships with other foundations, corporations and governments on the local, national and international level. We are proud that LCIF was named the #1 non-governmental organization worldwide with which to partner, according to a 2007 Financial Times independent survey.